Lifestyle & Food Preparation Services

Understanding how to eat for health requires understanding how to select and prepare the vary foods that promote wellness.  It's also important to let go of the foods that are detrimental to obtaining optimal health.  I'm here to help you do just that!


Grocery Store Walk-about

Understanding how to navigate the aisles of the grocery (or the Farmer's Markets) and identify foods packed with the essential nutrients that promote health can be overwhelming at first.  Together, we'll do a walk through and talk about how to identify good ingredients, select only the freshest and most ripe whole foods, as well as discuss what's hiding in those ingredient lists on the backs of packaged foods.


In Home Cooking Demonstrations

If cooking from scratch with whole food ingredients isn't something you're used to, I offer In Home Cooking Demos to help you get comfortable navigating your own kitchen while you also learn how to properly prepare the foods that promote health and wellness.


Pantry Cleanse

If you're ready to overhaul your diet and eliminate all the junk from your pantry, this is a great way to do so. Together, we'll go through and identify the junk foods still hiding in your cupboards and toss it all out.  Kind of like Spring Cleaning, only we can do this any day of the year!


Recipe Development

Have an old favorite, but looking to improve upon it but substituting better ingredients for less than ideal ones?  I'm here to help.  I love crafting new recipes and re-imagining old ones!

If you're interested in having a recipe developed, please contact me with details about the recipe you'd like to have modified.